Guardianship program
In an effort to help make my income more stable and consistent I invite you to foster my art for a monthly contribution that feels supportive and doable to you. It’s a wonderful way to support me and enjoy my artwork while I know my pieces are being kept safe and being seen rather than stuffed away in storage. And best of all, you choose the price! If you fall in love and can’t imagine parting ways, we can work out how to make it forever yours! And if you decide after a few months that you’d like a different piece, or you no longer want to play, great! I’ll take it back or we can exchange it for another piece! 'I’m making like a freakin’ maniac so there will always be more work to choose from!!!
Please reach out for more information about the available pieces that are looking for a safe and loving place to be cared for.
This free form approach is only confusing because we’re new to it. Trust me, I have no idea what I’m doing! ;)